Friday, September 28, 2007

Third Olfactory System

Researchers at the University of Maryland, have unlocked a mystery behind what is known as the Third Olfactory System. Olfactory System is the sensory system related to sense of smell.
New findings show there is a nose within the nose of mice which smells hormones and how this regulates salt and water balance in its body.
"It allows animals to detect food and determine that food's quality, it provides social information like sexual status about other animals, and it can warn an animal when a predator is present. Because of the great similarities between humans and animals when it comes to the sense of smell, the more we learn about the building blocks of the system, the more we will learn about how odors affect our lives." - Steven Munger, Ph.D., associate professor of anatomy and neurobiology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and lead author on the paper.

Read More Here.

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