Many of us have experience of getting stuck with a particular web hosting solution provider. I was in such a hurry to implement my website that I didn't really ask around for a good webhosting solution provider (yes there is such a thing). There are different features that a website hosting solution provider can support, things like mod_write. place i got my website hosted didn't support mod_write. mod_write is useful for SEO and the reply i got from hosting folks was "we don't customize our configuration for a few people", there you go. my website required a mysql database with it. the way database tables got written prevented me from switching to any other provider.
So moral of my experience is look around before you choose your web hosting solution provider. and i suggest you to go to
web hosting rating. This site has an Independent customer rating of top 10 web hosting companies. The host rating system is based on the customer satisfaction, affordability, reliability, uptime and techical support - all very important !
The article section has amazingly useful information, for example check
this article on ecommerce website and do's and don'ts of creating one.
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