Friday, January 4, 2008

Definition : Prime Numbers

For understanding Prime numbers you first have to understand what are "factors".
Factors are numbers which when multiplied together gives the result as the number of which they are factors of. Example, 2 & 3 are factors of 6 because when 2 & 3 are multiplied together, it gives 6. Another example, 3 & 7 are factors of 21 because 3 times 7 gives 21.
Number 1 is factor of every number. Why ? because every number when multiplied by 1 will give that number itself, so going by the definition, 1 is always factor of all the numbers.
Now coming back to prime numbers. Prime numbers are numbers, which have no factor other than 1 and itself. Example, what are factors of number 7 ? only 7 and 1, hence number 7 is a prime number. Another example, what are factors of number 13 ? only 13 and 1, hence number 13 is a prime number. To learn more about, find books on prime numbers.

Labels :what is a prime number, prime numbers, prime number list, sy sperling, prime number definition

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