Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Description : Websites Of The Day

www.defenddrew.com : Drew Paterson and his family risk losing everything to his defense. If you wish to contribute to defend Drew, click here.

www.stepheniemeyer.com : Official Website of Stephenie Meyer. Her best selling Teen Novel Twilight is going to made into a film by Summit Entertainment, planned to be released next year. Latest there is actor Robert Pattinson has been casted as Edward. More on official website.

www.yaymestarringlondontipton.com : Site redirects to Disney's web page about Yay Me here. You can watch the webisodes here.

www.GoogleEarth.com : redirects to here. You can download Google Earth software. With this software you can get a bird's eye view of any place on earth just by typing its address. Zoom in to get a closer view and zoom out if you need to see a different place. Its free.

Labels : defend drew, drew peterson, defend drew peterson, defendrob.com, www.defenddrew.com stephenie meyer, twilight, robert pattinson, twilight lexicon, robert pattison yaymestarringlondontipton, yay me starring london tipton.com, yay me london tipton, yaymelondontipton.com, www.yaymestarringlondontipton.com www.guiaroji.com, myearth, my earth, see my house from space, aerial views defenddrew.com, defenddrew, www.defenddrew.com, drew peterson defense fund, defend drew peterson defend drew, drew peterson, drew peterson website, drew peterson fund, defend drew peterson twilight, robert pattinson, twilight movie, twilight lexicon, stephanie meyer yaymelondontipton.com, yaymestarringlondontipton.com, yaymestarringlondontipton, yay me starring london tipton.com, yay me starring london tipton london tipton.com, londontipton.com, yay me london tipton, yaymelondontipton.com, yay me starring london tipton.com jessica sherwood, london sherwood

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