Four towns in US, two in Texas and two in Illinois, were vying to get FutureGen, a near pollution free coal based power plant. Finally decided to go at Mattoon Illinois. FutureGen Alliance CEO mentioned that the reason for choosing Matton were, “clear legal title to the power plant site, a secure water source and onsite carbon sequestration.”
The FutureGen Alliance is a non-profit organization that represents some of the world's largest coal companies and electric utilities. The high Tech plant will use cutting-edge technologies to generate electricity at the same time capturing and permanently storing carbon dioxide deep beneath the earth. Plant will also produce hydrogen and byproducts for use by other industries.
Labels : futuregen alliance, futuregen announcement, future gen, wcia, power grid corporation of india futuregen, wand, wcia, futuregen alliance, future gen futuregen, futuregen announcement, wcia, future gen, power grid corporation of india futuregen, futuregen alliance, futuregen announcement, wcia, power grid corporation of india
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