Monday, October 22, 2007

Celebrate Mole Day Today

Mole day is an unofficial holiday celebrated by chemists between 6.02 a.m. to 6.02 p.m., remembering Avogadro's number. When written the exact time 6.02 10/23 appears to be the Avogadro constant the value for which is [6.02 * 10^23], defining the number of particles in a mole. Originated in an article in The Science Teacher in the early 1980s. Inspired by an article, Maurice Oehler, now a retired high school chemistry teacher from Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, founded the National Mole Day Foundation (NMDF) on May 15, 1991.
Schools around the country celebrate this day by having students work on chemistry related projects to get them interested in the subject.

Labels : moleday, mole day facts, avogadro s law, mole day pictures, the mole

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