Friday, October 12, 2007

Nobel Peace Prize : UN Climate panel, Al Gore for president

Former US Vice president Al Gore along with UN climate panel has been awarded prestigious Nobel Peace prize, for their efforts on mobilizing public and political opinion towards Global Warming before it moves beyond man's control. surely this will increase pressure from his supporters to enter the race for White House. Surely Gore's environmental activism got him an Oscar, A Noble, can it get him Presidency too ?
Labels : nobel peace price, noble prize 2007, noble peace prize 2007, al gore wikipedia, noble peace prize al gor, al gore friedensnobelpreis, el gore, algore, all gore al gore global warming, manbearpig, gore nobel prize, al gore wikipedia, al gore president draftgore, gore nobel peace prize, gore 2008, al gore 2008, gore for president

Gore reportedly plans to donate his half of the prize to the Alliance for Climate Protection, a nonprofit climate group of which Mr. Gore is chairman of the board.

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